Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Romance Collection: Ivanhoe

I recently spent $80 on a 14-DVD set collection of A&E/BBC miniseries (it was totally worth every penny and I would have paid more for it). The DVDs included:

Pride & Prejudice (the single greatest miniseries ever created with the possible exception of Anne of Green Gables)
Victoria & Albert (which I first saw as a sophomore in college when it first came out)
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Lorna Doone
Tom Jones
Jane Eyre

Here comes the first review:

Overall, it was pretty good but here are my complaints:

1. Saxons should totally have shaved. Their scraggly-Gimli beards are so not hot.

2. One of the girls was totally ugly and had a line, "Am I not beautiful?" I was like, um, no Shylock, thanks for playing. UGH!! I hate when they cast ugly girls in parts that are supposed to be beautiful. Especially when the main character falls in love with them and you're all, okay a) you're ugly, and b) you're personality is stupid too, and c) I hate your fake accent.

3. There was WAY too much fighting and war stuff going on. Plus, it's the BBC, so it's super slow and unimpressive. I mean, if you MUST have a sword fight, at least watch Pirates of the Caribbean and choreograph it correctly. Even if Pirates wasn't around for six more years.

So I'd have to give it two and a half stars out of five.