Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

My first spring break since college!! Now that I'm at a metro school I can enjoy one!

Saturday: Speech contest. Booo!!!! But the good news is: SPEECH IS OVAH!!!!! (At least until October when it starts all over again. Longest. Season. Ever.)

Sunday: Taken with Dad and Brennan. Very good. I heart Liam Neeson!!

Monday: Shopping!!! New pants that are petites and therefore won't need to be hemmed!!! Maybe I'll wear pants to work for the first time all year. (Okay, just to be clear--I don't go bottom-less. I wear skirts and dresses. Every day. I swear.) Finished A Great and Terrible Beauty. One of the best books I've read in a really long time, and that includes Twilight. (Which I liked.)

Tuesday: Had to go to library to get the next two books in the Gemma Doyle trilogy. SO GOOD!!! Dinner with Hayley. We meet at 3:30 and don't leave the restaurant until 9:30. It was fantastic!!

Wednesday: Inkheart with Dad. Very cute and fun! I want to read the book now. Spend much of the day uploading CDs and downloading music from iTunes which I haven't done since last summer. Discover Natasha Richardson was killed in a skiing accident. Call Tara to lament.

Thursday: Slumdog Millionaire. I laughed. I cried. I laughed and cried some more. Best. Movie. Ever. I love when the Oscars reward a movie that ends happily!!! Finished Rebel Angels. Began The Sweet Far Thing.

Friday: Last Chance Harvey. SO good!! And very different from most movies out there. I heart Emma Thompson. "A Room with a View." "E.M. Forster." "Yes, did you read it?" "No." "Middle March." "George Eliot." "Yes, did you read it?" "No." Took Brennan to the ER at 1 A.M. for a shot because he had another of his infamous migraines. Didn't get home until 4 A.M.

Saturday: Did nothing. NOTHING!!! Except read my book. More than halfway through but it's 800 pages, so once school starts again on Monday, it may be a while!!!