Monday, October 15, 2007

Wedding Toast ...

Traditionally, it is the maid of honor’s job to make sure the bride has something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. To prepare for the job, I did a little research to find out why exactly brides wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.

The bride wears “something old” to represent her family and where she has come from.

The “something new” is what the bride and groom will bring to the marriage. Nicole and Dustin have many interests they are bringing together. When Nicole first told me the story of how she called Dustin before she’d ever met him, I asked her incredulously, “What did you talk about?” Nicole said, “Well … pigs. I told him I once worked on a hog confinement and he was pretty impressed with that.” Someone once said, “When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” This is a pretty good indication of what Nicole and Dustin will be bringing to their marriage: a mutual weirdness and a love of pigs.

“Something borrowed” is the duty of the bride’s friends; to remind her of our friendship and our support. Nicole and I have been inseparable all of our lives. We even used to borrow each other’s clothes right down to our underwear. As the maid of honor, I want her to know that any time she needs to borrow my underwear—metaphorically speaking—I’ll be there. Throughout my entire life, Nicole has always been sitting right next to me. Today I’m so honored to be next to her.

“Something blue” is symbolic of the faithfulness and loyalty between the bride and the groom, a symbol that they will be together the rest of their lives. There are many reasons I know Nicole and Dustin are meant to be together, they’re both very funny and excellent story tellers, they’re extremely family-oriented, but the real reason I know that they belong together is this: for as long as I’ve known Nicole, she’s had a list of qualities that she expects in a husband. That list includes: he must listen to country music, he must be willing to hold her hand in public, and he must not be scrawny. Dustin does listen to country music, he gives public displays of affection, and he is not scrawny. Congratulations, Nicole, you’ve found your dream guy.