Thursday, September 04, 2008

To Do This Weekend

1. Find my sweatshirts and pajama pants
2. Locate my Paris magnets!!
3. Buy some Ibuprofen
4. CD player?
5. Make handout over problem-based learning solution process, requirements, and due dates
6. Plan next week for problem-based learning/American lit
7. Review "Scarlet Ibis" and come up with some rockin' examples of symbolism
8. Process handout for American lit and prob-based learning solution
9. Make list of displaced people for American lit. Ex: Darfur/Sudan, Hurricane Katrina victims, homeless in America, Georgia victims (120,000 people in the Russia/Georgia conflict), Rwanda, Congo, Afghanistan, etc.
10. Make groups for problem-based learning
11. Kill myself (or wait for American lit/prob-based learning to kill me...whichever comes first)
12. Apologize to everyone for such a bo-ring blog