Friday, October 20, 2006

The Telaissance

Greetings all! It's been a while. I've been distracted by the 100 screaming freshmen in my face all the time asking questions like, "How do you want this paper stapled? Is it okay if I staple it three times down the left hand side, or do I need to take those out and just staple it once in the top left hand corner?" I'm telling you, after you deal with staple questions all day, there's no way you can come home and write a blog with your usual wit and charm. As Diane Keaton oh-so-wisely knew, something's gotta give and unfortunately, it's you, dear readers, who suffer.

What I have been filling my time with instead is television. The 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 television season was like the Renaissance, a rebirth in quality television shows with a minimum amount of reality TV. The Telaissance, if you will. I'm happy to say that the 2006-2007 season seems to be more excellence.

So here it is: the first annual Television You Should Be Watching. Appearing in a day-by-day format for you convenience!

Sundays: Desperate Housewives. Not much to say about this. I'm not quite as thrilled with it as I have been, but I still watch it out of loyalty and the occasional hilarious remark. (Gabby to Lynette: "I know. Your life sucks.") I also tried Brothers & Sisters, but as it turns out, that show is bo*ring. Like, super boring. Which is too bad because I like Sally Fields.

Mondays: While awaiting the return of Medium, I tuned in to Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Studio 60 is now my favorite show. To quote Chandler, it's awe-some! And amazingly, I like everyone on the show! With the exception of Friends and Veronica Mars (who could not like him? and him? and him? to say nothing of Veronica "It's all fun and games til one of you gets my foot up your ass" Mars) when was the last time that happened? Speaking of shows with characters I don't like, give The Class a try. Here's what I like about this show: Lizzy Caplan. Here's what I don't like about this show: everyone else and their storylines. Although it must not be too bad or I wouldn't still be watching. I'm hoping it will get better. What can I say? I'm a diehard optimist.

Tuesdays: Even though Gilmore Girls is dead in my heart, I continue watching it (well, watching House and taping GG to be watched later, when I'm desperate for entertainment), eternal optimist that I am, hoping that someone can repair the Luke and Lorelai break-up mess that we all had to endure the season before. I'm not saying L&L have to get back together (but, I mean, they DO. Come on!) but please FIX the mess that was the seventh season finale, already!) Also, does anybody else find themselves liking Rory less and less with each passing episode. So although I watch GG, I do not recommend it. Unless it's a rerun of the first three or four seasons. I do, however, highly recommend Veronica Mars, the greatest TV show in the history of time. Veronica "Their case is fuzzy and circumstantial" Mars kicks ass! Which brings me to tonight's word. Wait, that's later. It does bring me to some sad news: Meg Cabot is dead to me. Not watching Veronica Mars is one thing, but not watching it because you've fallen behind and will never catch up? This from a woman who downloaded four weeks of television from iTunes?!? Really? Don't insult our intelligence! Buy the first two seasons--I happen to know for a fact that Wal-Mart is selling Season 1 for $19.99, and take the weekend, and watch the best damn television you've ever seen. Ever. Until then, we're SO broken up. After Veronica, I watch Law & Order: SVU, but I'm so upset by the snub to Veronica, I can barely type this.

Moving on. Wednesdays: Bones! My new favorite! The chemistry between David Boreaniz's Seely "What's the matter with her" Booth and Emily Deschanel's Temperance "I don't understand that pop culture reference" Brennan, aka Bones, is the number one reason for watching. Then there's Lost, of course, although I'm even getting annoyed with this show. Who CARES about the Others? Anyone? No? That's what I thought. I'm also watching The Nine which I like after it's over, but have to talk myself into watching before it comes on. Very strange. Gave Tina Fey's 30 Rock a try, but was kinda bored. I'll stick with Studio 60, thanks.

Thursdays: My favorite day of television. My Name is Earl, The Office, (I tape Ugly Betty and watch it later), Grey's Anatomy, and ER. A beautiful night.

Friday: Nothing, can you believe it? (Well, Psych and Monk on USA when it comes back from hiatus, but that hasn't happened yet.)

In addition to all those shows, I like to watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart every night on Comedy Central, and, if I'm feeling really strong, The Colbert Report after The Daily Show. Or at least The Colbert Report through The Word segment.

Saturday: Again, nothing. I like to spend the day recovering from my long, hard week of TV watching and preparing myself for another week of it.

Now I know that's a lot of TV, but somebody's got to do it. I don't expect your thanks or gratitude for my service, but I DO expect you to be watching Veronica Mars. You'll thank me later whether I want you to or not.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Another posting soon...

My goal is to post a real entry in the month of October. Just not now because I'm lightheaded and delirious from my cold & flu medicine and my dog is chewing my Dr. Scholls $10 gel shoe inseam things.