Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Birthday to Tara...

This morning, I got up to eat breakfast and discovered to my surprise (and vast delight) this account of my life written by my sister, from my point-of-view. So funny!!! My favorite parts are the P.S. at the end of each "entry."


Dear Diary,

Plotted today to break spirit of sister Tara. She has no idea what’s coming, poor dolt. Kept going on and on about television shows and opera singing boys with curly hair. Never stopped to think about whether I was interested in what she was saying. Just kept talking and talking and talking. Wanted to shut her up right then, but these things take time. Must remember to pick up arsenic at store tomorrow. Will surely wear her down.



P.S. Had cutest outfit at school today.

Dear Diary,

Plans to break spirit of sister Tara thwarted today when she nixed usual morning cup of hot cocoa. Not sure if she suspects. Normally she’s too self-involved to notice anything not involving her curly hair or last night’s guest on Craig Ferguson. But can’t be too careful. Will perhaps try not to seem too overeager when offering to make her a cup (with arsenic) tomorrow.



P.S. Wore pink bracelet with black skirt today. Seven compliments.

Dear Diary,

If Tara continues to prattle on so, swear will take her down tonight. Have decided against arsenic—so outdated. And likely to end in death—not necessary. Just need peace and quiet. Instead will fashion device that slowly drains all her electronic devices of battery life. Broken spirit will follow quickly, am sure.



P.S. Still the cutest.

Dear Diary,

Was forced to clean Tara’s hair out of drain after shower this morning. Do not know if can keep rage about this quiet. But do not want to let on. Tara seems unusually perceptive today. Like when she noticed how adorable I was looking in new belt and sandals.



P.S. Perky new math teacher wore new Capri pants to 9th grade girls’ delight. Add her to potential hit list.

Dear Diary,

Tara now definitely aware something strange going on. Caught her examining hot cocoa mix for no apparent reason. Must tell her Josh Groban battling life-threatening disease to make her senses go haywire.



P.S. Perky new math teacher wore ugly loafers today. Am still the cutest.

Dear Diary,

Have soaked Tara’s iPod and laptop battery in macaroni and cheese, then washed and returned to their places. She seemed listless and forlorn this evening when could not get either to work. Plan going excellently. Also bought new hoop earrings.



P.S. Was voted Coolest Teacher by world today. Splendid.

Dear Diary,

Took Tara nearly seven seconds to change channel from “Still Standing” tonight. Strength of loss of electronic devices much higher than anticipated. Am already enjoying effects. Household much more peaceful without constant squealing and obsessing.



P.S. Broke nail today. Boo.

Dear Diary,

Plan momentarily set back by surprise appearance by Gerard Butler on Late Late Show tonight. Tara seemed to gain a bit more color. Still, noticed that her curls have a bit less spring. Most excellent.



P.S. Have made up for broken nail by adding sparkle polish. Am now both creative and sparkly.

Dear Diary,

Responded to Surprise Gerry Appearance incident with own attack: taped over Tara’s copy of Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble. Reminded her that Olsen twins grew up to be sluts who wear gross clothing. Definitely breaking down her spirit.



P.S. Definitely have better clothes than Mary-Kate, if not Ashley.

Dear Diary,

Plan nearly complete. Told Tara that Meg Cabot announced she would no longer include romance in her books. Know spirit must already be suffering, because she believed me and crawled off to lie on bathroom rug for awhile. Am enjoying having all Diet Sunkist to myself more than can really describe.



P.S. Experimented with barrette today, to great success. Six compliments.

Dear Diary,

Have officially broken Tara’s spirit. Over breakfast, said casually, “Lord of the Rings was too long as it is. It didn’t need all those additional scenes on the DVD.” And Tara paused for awhile and then said, “Yeah.” Was able to finish breakfast and read book in total silence. Not one mention of Faramir’s auburn curls or Aragorn’s sword. Mission: accomplished.

P.S. Still the cutest. Life: good.

(By Tara, With Love To Rixie, May 13, 2007.)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Books That Changed My Life

A variety of titles that changed my life. Some titles will be obvious to everyone (see Esme) and some may be clear only to me (see Evanovich).

1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Perhaps the greatest novel ever written. "Jem and I would get grown, but there wasn't much else for us to learn, except possibly algebra."

2. One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
Hilarity, hijinks, and poignant writing? Too much for anyone to ask for, and yet, Evanovich delivers.

3. Weep No More, My Lady by Mary Higgins Clark
I have probably read this book more than any other in my life--somewhere around ten times, I would imagine. Romance, grief, inner struggle, inner demons, angst--all this in a spa setting and surrounded by Hollywood glamour ... what's not to love?

4. Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
This changed my life in that it changed my writing style. See ... well, all previous blogs for evidence of this--particularly summer of 2003.

5. Educating Esme: Diary of a First Year Teacher by Esme Raji Codell
I heart literature. Now I get to read about someone else hearting literature.

6. Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Crusie
I wish I had written this book. That's the highest compliment I can pay. Even though I've read it four or five times, it still makes my stomach drop every time I read it. And the ending ... wow!!

7. The Boomerang Club (or Why Didn't They Ask Evans?) by Agatha Christie
Bobby and Frankie, Frankie and Bobby. Agatha Christie does romance like nobody's business--subtly, wittily, satisfactorily. EAT IT, Mary Westmacott!! (Oh yeah, and the mystery's pretty good too.)

8. Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot
I thought I wanted to write like Mary Higgins Clark or Janet Evanovich, until I read Meg Cabot. She writes like I think ... only funnier. And there's more romance. Basically, Meg Cabot has the career that I wish I had. I've read this one three times and can quote pretty much every hilarious line verbatim. "I saw you hiding behind that potted plant in the lobby. Don't try to deny it." "Love, Mitch. AKA The Fucker." HA!!

9. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
I don't see how any writer could feel more satisfied with a novel's ending than J.K. Rowling MUST have felt at the end of this one. Pure. Genius. Plus, it's funny!!

10. The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Spear
This was probably when I first realized that I liked reading romance novels. And technically, this wouldn't be classified as a romance, but as Meg Cabot says, if there's no romance, what's the point? Seriously!!

Other favorite novels (with romance, obviously):
1. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
2. Shining Through by Susan Isaacs
3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
4. Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Speech Coaches Meeting

So yesterday we had the annual spring speech coaches meeting in Cedar Falls. As always, I want to kill myself whenever we have to do something relating to speech, but the reasons for being unable to skip were twofold.
A) K is the president of the northeast district
B) My boss, WOB, wanted to attend for reasons unknown to me. Or K. What. A. Loser.

So here a breakdown of my day:

6:30 Cell phone alarm goes off. I panic and think I overslept and it's K calling me to ask where the hell I am? Realize it's only 6:30. Close my eyes again.

6:31 Suddenly realize I am NOT in my bedroom. Wonder where the hell I am.

6:31:20 Remember that I decided to go to my parents' last night because they are closer to Cedar Falls (only a 40 minute drive instead of an hour and ten minutes) and this way, Darcy could frolic in their house all day, instead of having to stay in the car in her crate. I'm against animal abuse, see?

6:38 Cell phone snooze alarm goes off again. What the hell? Why is it every eight minutes and not nine like the rest of alarm clocks the world over?

6:45 Must beat Mom and Dad in the shower, so finally get up. Realize how used I am to having my own space and doing my own thing whenever I want in my own apartment.

7:45 Leave house. Was weird to have people around in the a.m., but kind of enjoyable. I'd probably want to kill myself if I had to socialize with them every morning because the novelty would wear off, but for one day, it was nice.

7:50-8:30 Belt old-school Shakira the entire way. "Whenever, wherever ..."

8:30 Arrive at the meeting.

8:35 Struggle to get the popcorn holders that I had to beg the local movie theatre for out of the trunk of my car without dropping the six feet tall cut-outs of James Dean and Oscar. It has been raining since 6:32 and the ground is muddy. End up making three trips:
1) CD player and popcorn things
2) James Dean and Oscar
3) my bag and paper towels
(Still reading this? I'm SHOCKED!! Truly!)

8:36 Meet DarlatheBitch as I'm going into the hotel. She's the vice-president and an all-out bitch on wheels. I alternate between wanting to beat the living shit out of her and wanting to run her over in my car, reverse over her mangled corpse, and repeating the process. I smiled and she said hi, and I said, "Hi, Darla, how are you?" and she looked away, breaking eye contact. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO WEIRD???

8:37 Met K in the conference room, looking adorable in a spring skirt and jean jacket, and helped her begin to set things up. Put popcorn and "take 2" clapper thingies all over along with signs that said things like "Sunset Blvd." and such on the walls. Passed out kolatches and candy, etc.

8:41 Carry in the cardboard cut-outs. Can't get the door open. Two cute boys hold it open for me. One is very friendly. My heart is pitter-pattering.

9:00 Sign in. Adorable name tags with pictures of film reels, Oscars, movie tickets, etc. on them. Tell Darla and the secretary, Matt, I have to look through the stack before deciding which one I want. Pull out the Oscar. DarlaTheBitch says, "Isn't that one great? I took that one too!"

9:01 Exchange my Oscar name tage for one with a picture of a film reel on it. Will not willingly allow myself to be like Darla in any way.

9:15 Already hungry. How will I make it until noon before eating?

9:17 To distract myself from my hunger, I ask K, "How late do you think WOB will be?" "An hour," she replies with absolutely no hesitation. I concur.

9:30 K begins with a hilarious multiple choice quiz for all the coaches. She rocked the house. We all applaud like mad when she sits down at 9:40. Craig, the head honcho who I think is an arrogant jackass, K thinks is a "fucking dick," and Vicki (the woman I replaced) calls a "raging Republican" (I don't think he's actually a Republican, that's just the worst comment she can give. Period.) begins speaking.

9:57 WOB walks in. K and I consult our watches and grin at each other. We're only three minutes off.

10:00 I begin to eye the agenda. Craig needs to wrap up his little speech so we can stick to the schedule K has been planning since large group district contest back in January.

10:14 Craig's still talking. K is beginning to look nervous, alternating her glances between the schedule and her watch. I fear I am beginning to look bored. I'm having a hard time concentrating.

10:36 Thirty-six minutes after he's supposed to be finished, Craig finally wraps it up. K stands up and asks, "Are you beginning to sweat over the schedule? Because I am." which get a HUGE laugh and round of applause. She begins introductions. Must tell your name, what you coach, what you teach, where you find scripts, and what scripts you brought. K says some REALLY great stuff about me, including this, which she's told me about before, "I coach large group and individual with Erica. She's been with me for three years now and I would kill myself without her. At our school we have this expression: if we're doing something fun, we like to ask, 'Is it as cool as Miss A?' We all know she is the epitome of cool." Everyone laughed and I was really flattered and embarrassed (but in a good way, obviously).

10:38 K goes, "And no one else can talk as long as me," before sitting down because we are now so far behind schedule. I go next explaining that I brought two choral reading scripts and why choral reading is so hard. Many heads are nodding in agreement. I brought thirty copies of two scripts and they were ALL gone by the time we left yesterday. I rock.

10:39-11:30 Write down many titles of scripts and wish people would hurry up just a tinge. I'm hungry and a little bored and ready to move on.

11:31 WOB talks about himself and says some interesting stuff for once. He explains how much he loves speech and how it's his biggest passion and then he thanked me and then he goes, "I want to thank my English teachers, K and E, for letting me live vicariously through their speech experiences. They have to put up with a lot because I love it so much and I love hosting speech contest." This was the best part of the day because at the same time that K goes, "Oh, you love hosting speech contest? Really?", I go, "Gee, we never would have known that you loved hosting contest? Wow! News to me." which got laughs all around because we've hosted that effing contest longer than I've been alive--EVERYONE knows he loves hosting that damn thing.

11:34-11:50 Script exchange!! Got some good choral readings scripts that give me ideas, even if I never plan on using them. One was called "the House that Jack Built" and was all about different Jacks all through literature. It's a very cool idea and I'd like to write my own--using something else in place of Jack. It wouldn't even have to be a name, it could be something totally different. Only problem is, I can't think of anything else. Ideas anyone???

11:50-12:20 Listen to different coaches' presentations. We are now an hour behind schedule, and these people aren't even making AN EFFORT to speed up this process. Do you WANT to get out at 2:00 or NOT???

12:20-1:00 Break for lunch. Thank GOD because I'm starving. The cottage cheese rocked the house. I saw the following vegetables in the soup: lima beans, peas, and green beans, so I stuck with the sandwiches, obviously.

1:00-1:40 Listened to a presenter from UNI who, to be perfectly honest, was not that great. Bo*ring. K was bored, too, I could tell, even though she's the one who called her to present.

1:40 The two cute boys who held the door open for me this morning give a presentation on musical theatre full of websites. This is VERY, VERY, VERY helpful since K decided it would be a good idea for the two of us to do musical theatre next year (why, God, why???) After the script exchange, this was a great idea!!

2:00 FINALLY FINISHED!! YEA!!! Begin packing up. Glower at DarlaTheBitch who isn't helping at all clean up at all.

2:30 Help K wheel the cart with all our boxes on it. Wave good-bye to the two cute boys from this morning. Wave good-bye to K, hop in the car, and drive to Barnes & Noble.

3:00 Leave B&N with two books for Brennan's birthday. Drive to Target. Buy the new Michael Buble CD (yea "Everything"! yea "Wonderful Tonight"! yea three songs co-written by Michael Buble. yea "Always on my Mind" ... wait, a minute. Never mind. I don't like this version of "Always on my Mind."). Get the game Apples To Apples for Mom. Try on strapless bras for a half hour. No luck.

4:15 Go the mall. Look for photo albums for Dad. No luck. Go to Victoria's Secret. Try on strapless bras for AN HOUR!!!! Finally find one, after a long, discouraging try. Get $10 off and a free pair of underwear (DON'T call them panties) thanks to a coupon I have.

5:45 Go to HobbyLobby. Get photo album for Dad for cool project he's working on for someone. See a Paris poster and contemplate getting it for my recently redecorated room which is looking AWESOME, but needs one or two more things. It's $10 but 50% off. Buy it. Along with a photo album with pictures of New York on it for our NYC trip this summer. Also 50% off. Total cost: $20. Wow. What a bargain.

6:30 Arrive home. Go with the fam out to eat to celebrate Bren's birthday. Lots of laughing and loud talking amonst us. Very fun.

7:45 Arrive back home. Play Apples to Apples until 11:00. SO FUN!!!

11:30 Off to bed. Very exhausted.

This post was for Tara. Very soon she's going to regret ever asking for posts like this.