Friday, August 08, 2008

Shows I Will DVR When I Finally Get My DVR

1. Bones
2. House
3. Chuck
4. Heroes
5. Desperate Housewives
6. How I Met Your Mother
7. Pushing Daisies
8. Lost
9. Private Practice
10. The Office
11. 30 Rock
12. Scrubs
13. Ugly Betty
14. Grey's Anatomy
15. Law and Order: SVU
16. Psych
17. Monk
18. The Closer
19. My Boys
20. Burn Notice
21. In Plain Sight
22. Dirty Sexy Money
23. Reaper
24. Jon and Kate + 8
25. Passport to Europe
26. Supernanny
27. Masterpiece Theatre
28. Mystery!
29. Inside the Actors Studio
30. What Not To Wear
31. The Daily Show
32. Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List
33. Samantha Who?
34. American Idol
35. Dancing with the Stars